Showcasing his work from 2013-2015, this collectible piece offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in the vast body of early work of Noah Minuskin. Experience full-page spreads of his signature fine line black and grey style tattoo work, an extensive Catalog of his Painting practice, as well as two in-depth, long format writings on his philosophies and practice thus far.
Showcasing his work from 2013-2015, this collectible piece offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in the vast body of early work of Noah Minuskin. Experience full-page spreads of his signature fine line black and grey style tattoo work, an extensive Catalog of his Painting practice, as well as two in-depth, long format writings on his philosophies and practice thus far.
Showcasing his work from 2013-2015, this collectible piece offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in the vast body of early work of Noah Minuskin. Experience full-page spreads of his signature fine line black and grey style tattoo work, an extensive Catalog of his Painting practice, as well as two in-depth, long format writings on his philosophies and practice thus far.
Noah’s journey is one of forging his own path and trusting his instinct. With a self-taught artistic sensibility, developed through master apprenticeships and a fine art and design education, Noah has redefined what tattoo means for himself, his collectors, and his industry.
Showcasing his work from 2013-2015, this collectible piece offers an opportunity to immerse yourself in the vast body of early work of Noah Minuskin. Experience full page spreads of his signature fine line black and grey style tattoo work, an extensive Catalogue of his Painting practice, as well as two in depth, long format writings on his philosophies and practice thus far.
Presented with the highest level of quality, both in its design and presentation, this Monograph Artist’s Book takes you on his personal journey from apprentice to owner of the internationally recognized studio, Hous Studios. Noah’s lifetime goal of elevating the craft to hold its own next to any other fine art might arguably be realized within the pages of this thoughtfully curated and designed book.
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